What are the materials of Yueyang Miluo anticorrosive wood flower box?

What are the materials of Yueyang Miluo anticorrosive wood flower box?

What are the materials of Yueyang anticorrosive wood flower box?

With the continuous improvement of people's environmental awareness, the application of anticorrosive wood has become more and more widespread. If you are a careful person, you will definitely find more and more anticorrosive wood flower boxes in communities, parks and other places. Here, Yueyang anticorrosive wood flower box will popularize the materials of anticorrosive wood flower box, and hope to help you better understand them.

Type 1: Russian Pinus sylvestris flower box. Russian Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica can be directly subjected to full-section anti-corrosion treatment by high-pressure infiltration. Its excellent mechanical performance and beautiful texture are highly recommended by designers and engineers. Russian Pinus sylvestris anticorrosive materials have a wide range of applications, such as wooden planks, pavilion platforms, pavilions, waterside corridors, flower fences, walkways, children's play areas, flower platforms, trash cans, outdoor furniture, outdoor environments, and hydrophilic environments. It can be used for indoor and outdoor structures. Due to its unique anti-corrosion process, all architectural works can be stored for a long time. Of course, this is also an important reason for using anti-corrosion wood flower boxes.

Type two: Nordic red pine flower box. European red pine of high quality has anti-rot, anti-termite and anti-fungal effects after special anti-corrosion treatme